Something Silly, Something Serious

Alan Westrope awestrop at
Thu Oct 21 07:32:44 PDT 1993

In <9310210451.AA27317 at> tcmay at 
  (Timothy C. May) writes:

>I pointed out to him the rich environment of the Denver-Colorado
>Springs-Boulder-etc. corridor, and the presence of His PGPness Himself
>in the area! Which he of course knew. Others, too.

Yes, and Phil Z. is scheduled to speak to the Front Range Unix Users 
Group on Nov. 18.  The meeting is at 4:30 in room 123 of the Univ. of
Colo. Academic Computing Center.  A rare opportunity to hear The Man
in person...highly recommended.

Putatively yours,

Alan Westrope                  <awestrop at>
                               <adwestro at>
PGP fingerprint:  D6 89 74 03 77 C8 2D 43   7C CA 6D 57 29 25 69 23
finger for public key
"These nomads chart their courses by strange stars, which might
 be luminous clusters of data in cyberspace..." -- Hakim Bey

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