why anon bank acct?

Stanton McCandlish mech at eff.org
Tue Oct 19 12:42:23 PDT 1993

> However, I think the deeper question is worth considering: what is the
> justification for anonymous bank accounts?

How about: it's no one's damn business what my acct. number is, that I
have one at all, what bank I use, how much money I have, etc.

> Avoiding taxes just doesn't cut it for me; much as I hate to pay them,
> I recognise the need to do so.

Need?  Need to keep from being arrested or fined, yeah I can see that.

-=> mech at eff.org <=-
Stanton McCandlish     Electronic Frontier Foundation Online Activist & SysOp
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood of
ideas in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." -JFK
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