jrk at sys.uea.ac.uk (Richard Kennaway)

nate at VIS.ColoState.EDU nate at VIS.ColoState.EDU
Tue Oct 19 07:37:34 PDT 1993

writes Robert J. Woodhead:
>Paul writes:
>However, I think the deeper question is worth considering: what is the
>justification for anonymous bank accounts?
>Avoiding taxes just doesn't cut it for me; much as I hate to pay them,
>I recognise the need to do so.

A while back someone posted a message about being immune to having
property, etc taken in law suits.  Imagine if all your money (or nearly 
all) was tied up in anonymous accounts and that all your property was
owned by digital pseudonyms (from whom you rented the property).  This
would be a nice defense if you were scared that the government (in
protecting National Security, of course) would take all your 
posessions and make life a living hell for you and your family.


| Nate Sammons   email: nate at VIS.ColoState.Edu
|   Colorado State University Computer Visualization Laboratory
|   Finger nate at monet.VIS.ColoState.Edu for my PGP key
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