Sandy 72114.1712 at CompuServe.COM
Mon Oct 18 21:22:21 PDT 1993

  SANDY SANDFORT               Reply to:  ssandfort at
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A friend of mine gave me a copy of a newsletter called "Gary
North's REMNANT REVIEW."  It bills itself as "explicitly
Christian and pro-free market in perspective."

This issue covered the bad news:  the Waco Massacre cover-up,
mysterious death of White House attorney, Vince Foster and the
Randy Weaver case.

It also covered the good news:  Crypto Anarchy(!)  The article
was based on Kevin Kelly's piece in the "Whole Earth Review."
North paraphrased Tim May extensively and was very impressed with
the whole concept.  It was quite a valentine to Cypherpunks.  For
subscription information, call (800) 528-0559 (or -0550, it's
hard to read my copy).  I'll bring a photocopy to the SF meeting
in November.

 S a n d y

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