ENOUGH ALREADY!!!(Was Re: Gibson

Alexander Reynolds chrome at jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
Mon Oct 18 13:02:19 PDT 1993

On Sun, 17 Oct 1993, Kelly Goen wrote:

> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1993 17:17:19 -0400
> From: Kelly Goen <kelly at netcom.com>
> To: chrome at jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
> Cc: cypherpunks at toad.com
> Subject: ENOUGH ALREADY!!!(Was Re: Gibson
>  Dear Sir,
>           Without enrolling in yours and others discussion about
> anarcho/capital/social/ isms Ad Nauseam... would you mind
> taking this SOMPLACE ELSE... this discussion is NOT appropriate for the list
> WE have REAL issues and problems to address... Thanx in advance...
>     cheers
>     kelly
> -- 

I said this once, and I guess I'll have to enlighten those who were
ignorant enough not to read the first time around!

My first message ended something like this:  "how about multiple forms of
digital cash?  This removes a centralized monopolized bank as a form of
electronic power, i.e. the bank president could refuse digi-loans to those
elements of society he figured would usurp his(her?) bank's power."

Does this figure into the ideological framework of your newsgroup?  It
looked like, but if you still think that I am way out of line with that
comment, just drop a line and I'll have myself removed from the list.  OK?
 That's all for now, and please don't hesitate if something else like thi
bothers you!

-Sincerely pissed off at everyone who keeps sending me mail like this,

-Alex Reynolds

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