PGP help for dos

Laconic jvarley at
Sat Oct 9 14:16:05 PDT 1993

I just got PGP 2.3a for Dos and I'm having trouble adding keys to my
keyring.  It seems it can only accept two keys.  When I type 
pgp keyfile
It says something like "Key found, add this key to pubring.pgp?" I hit Y,
and then it tells me "No keyfile found in keyfile.$00".  I've encountered
this before.  Last time, it was only my key in the pubring.  When I went to
add a second key, it wouldn't accept it.  I wound up deleting my pubring,
re-doing it, and then I could add a second key, but no more.
jvarley at            |   "...Soul of a woman was created below!"
Tomes on IRC                  |           -- Led Zeppelin
		PGP key available via finger

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