FIDONet Mail filterin

Perry E. Metzger pmetzger at
Fri Oct 8 07:25:42 PDT 1993

Duncan Frissell says:
> J >So how do I prevent what happened to SJG, killer, etc from happening
> J >to me?  How do I prevent the LE types from showing up one day and
> J >saying 'hey, did you know there's a meg of kiddie porn on your 
> J >machine and we're taking it all away'?
> As soon as you get the 10mbps line into the home (next year for you 
> Continental cable customers), mirror your machine with another located 
> overseas (or just run the machine overseas).

I think this is a bit extreme.

In any case, from what I can tell, none of the incidents the original
poster mentions involved any illegal activity, and none of them
involved email on a system. Everyone was aquitted or no charges were
brought. So, obviously there was nothing they could have done to
prevent them. Any time you do anything in an only semi-free country
like the U.S. you risk having the storm troopers break down your door,
regardless of what sort of anything that might be. You might be
arrested tomorrow because you share the same name as a drug dealer.
You might be killed like the heir to the Scott fortune was because the
state wishes to sieze your property. Who knows what could happen to
you. The point is, however, that there is very little you can do,
other than following the law, to stop unlawful arrests, so why not
just relax and quit worrying about things you have no control over?

Censoring your users mail will not lower your risk, so why do it?


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