On Unsubscribing

David Mandl dmandl at lehman.com
Tue Oct 5 08:49:53 PDT 1993

I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to unsubscribe, but
I'm continually surprised at how many people don't know
how to do it.  Folks, if you want to send a message to the
administrator of any list (this includes subscribes,
unsubscribes, address changes, etc.), please don't send
it to everyone on the list.

The administrator of

xxx at yyy.zzz

can almost always be found at

xxx-request at yyy.zzz.

If you don't get an answer right away, please be patient--
don't scream about it to everyone on the list.  Most list
administrators do it out of the goodness of their hearts,
not for pay, and they may not be able to get to it right
away.  It's funny seeing people who are complaining
about the high volume on a list increase that volume with
messages that don't belong there.


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