A Clarification on My Loyalty and Allegiance

Lefty lefty at apple.com
Mon Nov 29 10:47:12 PST 1993

This is the last comment I plan to make re l'Affaire Detweiler.

On the one hand, "The Executioner" <an12070 at anon.penet.fi>, writes:
>I thought that the infamous L. Detweiler had stopped his posting, but it
>appears that he is back, and more neurotic than ever.  I thought that
>it was the time for me to make another post relating to him, the list
>in general, and LD's obsession with pseudospoofing.
>OK, first, LD is pissing me off, as, I am sure, he is doing to many others
>out there in net.land.

On the other hand, "S. Boxx" _also_ <an12070 at anon.penet.fi> writes:
>BTW, many thanks to L.Detweiler for his lone help in helping me break a
>corrupt conspiracy and massive cyberspatial hoax.

Lance, for the sake of what remains of your rapidly ebbing mental health,
look up the term "cognotive dissonance" and see if you can apply it to your
current situation.

Other people, by the way, are not quite as inert above the neck as _you_
seem to be.

Lefty (lefty at apple.com)
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.

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