Give me your password- OR ELSE!

Ken B Kirksey kkirksey at
Sat Nov 27 07:49:14 PST 1993

>>Car alarms and security systems didn't convince the criminals who make their
>>living ripping off cars that the *Good ole days were over* and it was time
>>to get a  job at Burger Sri, it spurred them to find new methods to ply
>>their trade.
>How do you know this? Clearly some crooks may have just moved to more
>violent methods, but it's quite probable that others moved off to
>other fields where it's easier to make a buck, either legal or

Quite.  From _Point Blank: Guns & Violence in America_ by Dr. Gary Kleck:

   "Like noncriminals, however, criminals do many things that are casually
    or only weakly motivated.  Indeed, much crime is impulsive or
    opportunistic, with criminals committing some crimes only if it
    requires little effort and entails little risk (Feeney 1986)."


Ken Kirksey            kkirksey at            Mac Guru & Developer
Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon
the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest.
                                                            - Mahatma Ghandi

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