Public Enemy #1

The Psychopunk an12070 at
Sat Nov 27 04:14:05 PST 1993

I don't know where all these slanderous accusations that I am
L.Detweiler come from. I want to have absolutely nothing to do with
that paranoid conspiracy theorist. People who are associating me with
him are nothing but scurrilous hypocrites. You only allow anonymity so
long as it doesn't threaten you personally! PseudoAnonymity that
attacks the government through tax evasion and black marketeering is
OK, but pseudoanonymity of L.Detweiler (who is really Hitler's
grandson), who attacks the Cypherpunks, is Heretic Blasphemy, and he
must be tracked down and punished! Why is it that no one bothers
T.C.May about BlackNet or Deadbeat, anyway? I guess stealing
information is a legitimate use of anonymity, but exposing corruption
through whistleblowing is not. 

All of you who are so smugly certain that I am L.Detweiler, where do
you get your insane fantasies? The only thing I can think of that would
be objective and qualitative is the extensive style analysis software
of E.Hughes, but it seems to me that would also show that he is posting
pseudoanonymously under G.Broiles, and besides he's not really
interested in sharing any of his software with anyone anyway,
especially whatever helps him pseudospoof and detect it by others.

However, I have many ideas on how to get even with L.Detweiler for his
callous disregard for pseudospoofing. Imagine, the sheer arrogance of
attacking our holy religion, and making our leaders look like pathetic
fools for their deceptions! We are left trying to defend them with
increasingly worthless tentacles. Y'know the ones that penetrated
RISKS? They are *really* valuable, like N.Szabo, and he is on to them
all. The man is an arrogant bastard for trying to prevent us from our
joyous deceptions, perversions, and depravities. We have to make him
pay. What can we do? One thing to do would be to slander him in public
forums. I mean, he has done the tiniest smidgeon of CryptoAnarchic
work, like that Anonymity FAQ (which was usefully infiltrated by quite
a few of our pseudospoofed tentacles, including the eminent N.Szabo).
But otherwise, he's just a self-important asshole like G.Spafford who
has no life out of cyberspace. 

We should show no mercy. I propose that we mailbomb him some more
beyond P.Metzger's feeble assault. And D.Barnes has not gone nearly far
enough to root out his personal associates and friends and find any
useful blackmail or other leverage, like his employer. E.Hughes and
T.C.May can try harassing his postmaster some more. Maybe we can get
the Holy Grail -- get him to lose his Internet account. Damn, that
would be AWESOME. We wouldn't have to put up with any more of those
slimy verbose FAQs. `Privacy and Anonymity' HAH. more like Pathetic Assholery.

Here's an idea. I've been tampering with REMOBZ a lot lately and have
gotten pretty good at it. I hear L.Detweiler was looking for a job
awhile ago. (I stole his resume with a fake job advertisement in his
mailbox as bait. Hee, hee! what a dickhead.) I am going to try to tap
his home phone line and figure out what employers he has been talking
to. I can rig it so that when they call his number, I spoof his
answering machine (this is possible by recording his own message onto
my own answering machine and redirecting the phone call). The employer
records his message, `you have the job, report to work at 9:00
tomorrow' like nothing is wrong. But L.Detweiler never shows up!
Hee,hee. And if he tries to find out what went wrong, he looks like a
hallucinating drug user. `I never got your message on my answering
machine!' Ah, a grand psychopunk prank in line with the best of the
legendary K.Mitnik revenge techniques. (The master!)

Here's another idea. We all know how much WetLiar admires that clueless
NYT reporter Markoff -- you know the guy, the one who fell for our Big
Movement facade hook line and sinker. (Hee, hee! Privacy for the
Masses! The Cryptographic Revolution!) I propose that we infiltrate his
system and impersonate Markoff's email to L.Detweiler. Unless it is for
deception, it's not illegal! No problemo! L.Detweiler will go away
crestfallen that his hero comes across as a clueless idiot in email. If
he calls Markoff in desperation, we can do the old `redirect the phone
call' trick and do our best Markoff imitation on the phone. Detweiler
is such a clueless, trusting idiot that he won't know the difference.
Hee, hee! I love poking holes in other people's delusions. The world is
an ugly place, and it's about time that someone did a favor to
L.Detweiler and taught him that. The asshole will learn what it means
to tangle with Cypherpunks.

OK, here's my best idea. You know his cutesy little mama's girl
girlfriend, Sonia Applegate? The one that loves to cook him those big
dinners when he gets home from a hard day of battling our beauteous
tenacles? The one that he is going to marry next spring? (Thanks,
BlackNet spies, for all your information, the checks are in the mail,
also the REMOBZ wiretapping is also a really invaluable source.) I
propose that we call her up and pose as a clinician from an AIDS
testing clinic and tell her that L.Detweiler has AIDS and that he
listed her as a sex partner. Regurgitate her all her personal
information we found off the stolen credit records and then say, Yes,
Ma'am, I'm sorry. You'll have to report to the clinic immediately for
testing. Hee, hee!
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