Banning any subscriber...

Jim choate ravage at
Fri Nov 26 20:14:00 PST 1993

I am new to the list as well as the local Austin CypherPunks group and have
high hopes of contributing to the ongoing discussion of crypto. I have been
playing w/ PGP since it first came available and crypto in general for quiite
a few years. I was really attracted by the sence of community as well as the
reputation of the CypherPunks.

However, with the latest news that 'we' are going to start banning
individuals because they have nothing to contribute is something I personaly
cant support. If you want free speech then you have to give it. If you
personaay want to filter your mail (equivalent to changing the channel) that
is fine, but to a priori filter posts from a individual is cencorship (no
letting you discuss your subject at all). I personaly do not support such
authoritorian actions and will dis-associate myself from the CypherPunks
and will advise others not to associate either. This type of action is un-
called for and has no business on this type of communication network.

I advise all subscribers to this list to NOT support any action by any
individual or group to carry this idea into action. This is not what
CypherPunks or freedom is about.

"Those who give up essential liberty to obtain security deserve neither
liberty or security."

                                           Benjamin Franklin

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