Sandy 72114.1712 at CompuServe.COM
Fri Nov 26 17:53:56 PST 1993

  SANDY SANDFORT               Reply to:  ssandfort at
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I hereby take the following Pledge.  Will you take it too?

    WHEREAS, Larry Detweiler has posted long and numerous
    messages to Cypherpunks under his own name and several

    AND WHEREAS, over time, such messages have became more
    and more unintelligible, repetitive and/or threatening,

    AND WHEREAS, attempts to respond to such messages have
    resulted in ever increasing psychotic reactions from

    I, therefore, pledge never to read, nor respond to,
    posts written by Larry Detweiler, or his pseudonyms.

    Further, I pledge never to read, nor respond to, posts
    written in response to posts by Larry Detweiler, or to
    subjects raised by Larry Detweiler.

    I offer the above pledge in the hopes that such action,
    especially in concert with others on the Cypherpunks
    list, will deprive Larry Detweiler of an audience and
    thus result in his voluntarily withdrawal from this

    S a n d y  S a n d f o r t

>>>>>>    Please send e-mail to:  ssandfort at    <<<<<<

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