(fwd) Re: Prosody Release Cancelled Under "NSA" Pressure

Kelly Goen kelly at netcom.com
Sat Nov 20 16:52:10 PST 1993

Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)

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From: huff at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu (Edward J. Huff)
Newsgroups: sci.crypt,talk.politics.crypto
Subject: Re: Prosody Release Cancelled Under "NSA" Pressure
Followup-To: talk.politics.crypto
Date: 13 Nov 93 04:25:15 EST
Organization: NYU Medical Center, New York, NY 10016, USA
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Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1993Nov13.042515.1 at mcclb0>
References: <931112.49291.KEITHWRITERS at delphi.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mcclb0.med.nyu.edu

Followups to talk.politics.crypto

In article <931112.49291.KEITHWRITERS at delphi.com>, KEITHWRITERS at delphi.com writes:

Technosys Press Release
For More Information, Contact:
Keith Boyle, marketing director
keithwriters at delphi.com
limetwig at mindvox.phantom.com
					For Release 10:47 AMEST
					November 12, 1993
Mirrorshades & Prosody Release Cancelled
The scheduled release of Technosys' text composition program Mirrorshades
and text revision/encryption program Prosody has been cancelled because of
pressure from a governmental group claiming to be the National Security
Administration (NSA) wishing to prevent the release of Prosody as an
encryption program.
The "NSA" has expressed concern over the encryption method used by
Prosody. They feel that it may be using an encryption technology similar
enough to another method of natural language encryption that Prosody might
be able to be used to break that coding method. Therefore, they would like
Technosys to hand over all existing copies of the software, technical &
development notes, and software related to Prosody (i.e. Mirrorshades) for
their research.
Since the next step, if Technosys were to refuse, would be the seizure of all
of the above materials by search warrant and criminal charges, Technosys has
chosen to consent to their request and will cancel the release of these
However, THE MAN can't seize what's in our brain cells...
(Technosys is looking for good information law representation.
 Anyone interested?)

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