souls and Multiple Personality Disorder

Ed Carp erc at khijol
Thu Nov 18 14:11:38 PST 1993

> In article <m0ozdjZ-000HXQC at khijol> erc at "Ed Carp" writes:
>  > I thought this was rather tasteless.  MP is real.  My SO is MP.  It's not
>  > very funny.  Do you know what causes MP?  Childhood sexual abuse.
> Possibly, but more often overzealous psychiatrists with an axe to grind.
> (Let me guess, she had no history at all of MPD before she went to a
> psychiatrist for some unrelated problem, right?)

Err, actually, no.  She has memories of at least one other personality
from the age of 4.  Her memory is quite good...she has memories of sexual abuse
(I won't go into details) at age 3.  :( :(
Ed Carp, N7EKG			erc at			510/659-9560
                   an38299 at, anon-1157 at
If you want magic, let go of your armor.  Magic is so much stronger than
steel!        -- Richard Bach, "The Bridge Across Forever"

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