why Identity is Sacred

L. Detweiler ld231782 at longs.lance.colostate.edu
Tue Nov 16 21:04:14 PST 1993

Mr. Szabo objects to my pseudopool fun. I don't understand. How is
misattribution of quotations different than than things like
pseudospoofing and pseudopools that top cypherpunks promote?

>Given the many idiotic things already claimed by Detweiler, 
>(including at one time or another, hotly accusing most list-active Bay Area 
>cypherpunks of being "pseudospoofs" of each other, when all he had to
>do to verify our True Names was call),

I did call Medusa. Her line was been busy. All I have been able to talk
to are tentacles. And they all say, `Believe, me, I am a person!'

> So I just want to make sure everybody understands there's 
>a head full of hypocrisy to go along with the head full of otherwise
>misfiring neurons:

yes, Medusa is quite confused lately. Halleluja for RISKS.

>It's highly improbable that Tim May would go anywhere near Perl, and 
>it's also quite improbable Eric Hughes would have made such a gaffe.  
>(Which just goes to show I _am_ Hughes and May, otherwise how could
>I know, eh Detweiler?)

Your days are numbered, Medusa, and you are pretty clueless for not
realizing it. The King is Dead.

>It might be feasible to defame people behind their backs, by 
>sending false quotations in mail to small numbers of third parties.

Attention everyone, this is precisely what Medusa is doing with me
right now. Be careful.

>By extrapolation the quotes attributed to Arther Chandler,
>Hal Finney, and Perry Metzger were also likely "pseudospools",
>many of which will be obvious to those falsely quoted or their
>freinds, or those who keep good archives.

Medusa has finally gone totally insane.

Hey Medusa -- do you allow pseudospoofing on your secret mailing list?
or do you ban it? are you a hypocrite? are you a liar?

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