Key Servers and True Names +1-510-484-6204 wcs at
Mon Nov 15 14:20:38 PST 1993

"L. Detweiler", or someone using his name, is a bit confused about
what keyservers are for - they're a convenience for making keys
readily available, and reducing the chances of getting a spoofed key.
The way to do a True Name Users Group is through key certification -
create a key called "L. Detweiler's True Name Certifier <ld at>"
and use that key to sign keys for people who present real, non-forged
authentication papers, signed statements, or whatever credentials
you trust for demonstrating True Names.  People can add that
signature to the list of signatures they haul around on their public key.

I normally only use variants on my real name, with the exception of one
nym I use for anonymous posting, which is clearly a non-real name,
except when I'm using someone else's name for humor value,
or bogus names for junk mail reduction/identification (e.g.
Time Stewart or Junk Mail Stewart).

					John Doe

# Bill Stewart  Old address: wcs at AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ
# After 10/15, NCR, 6870 Koll Center Parkway, Pleasanton CA, 94566
# Voice/Beeper 510-224-7043, Phone 510-484-6204, email bill.stewart at

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