(fwd) Netcom adds access in Denver area

Graham Toal gtoal at an-teallach.com
Fri Nov 12 04:39:28 PST 1993

In article <199311111815.KAA05545 at mail.netcom.com> tcmay at netcom.com writes:
 > The best things about it: flat monthly fee ($17.50), unlimited connect
 > time, full range of services (much better than most universities have,
 > folks tell me), and--best of all--your Netcom account won't change
 > when you change jobs! And posting with Netcom presumably won't run the
 > risk of angering your employer.
 Unfortunately, your netcom account also won't change when you change
 internet vendors.  What everyone should have is their own domain name;
 netcom offers this service (a la david at sternlight.com) for, I think,

 Anyone who's interested in a better deal might like to check out
 internet.com who offer your own domain (and a single user id) for
 $75/year.  You get your mail rewritten by them to your ordinary
 account elsewhere (eg tcmay at netcom.com) and can move the domain with
 you should you ever be dissatisfied with internet.com's service.
 Apologies, btw, for not talking about code, but I guess if Perry
 hasn't flamed Tim yet he's not going to flame me for posting this
 either :)

 > I'm thrilled that Netcom is expanding so rapidly. 

 I'd be more thrilled if they were doing what demon do and putting
 people's own sites on the net under SLIP for a flat rate (with demon
 it's 10 pounds per month - call it 15 bucks) and just ordinary phone-
 call costs on top.  [If netcom now does this, apologies - it's been
 some time since I looked into the US slip culture]

 This *is* a cypherpunks related goal IMHO, because everyone having
 their own site at home rather than just using their PCs as terminals
 to systems like netcom means they can *much* more easily integrate
 pgp into their routine mailing life.  (Uploading and downloading
 pgp mail is such a hassle for some people - like prz himself - that
 they just don't do it...)


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