Fwd: [gtoal at an-teallach.com (Graham Toal)]Info on Clipper chip and fabrication of it

Andrew Hammer Postmaster at cproject.com
Wed Nov 10 10:38:58 PST 1993

In article <9311092013.AA09822 at vangogh.VIS.ColoState.EDU> nate at vis.colostate.edu writes:
 > Last I heard, hte model of the ARM series used in the Newton (the 
 > ARM 610 processor) cranked out about 30,000 Drystones and used 
 > _very_ little power.

Oh boy, wait till the guys on comp.sys.acorn hear about this!

I can tell why the arm was chosen: it comes as a drop-in circuit that
manufacturers can use in their own designs.  Not many of the other
low-power fast CPUs are available like this.  And its very small,
and blindingly fast.

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