Mostly offline digicash

Joe Thomas jthomas at
Mon Nov 8 11:58:23 PST 1993

Alan (Gesture Man) Wexelblat <wex at> writes"
> Nick asks:
> > Why haven't people backed away from credit cards despite $10's of  
> > in fraud? 


>  A very good question.  The reason is largely
> because it's a very profitable business *for the
> card merchants* (banks, mostly).  They get their
> percentage no matter what, and losses don't eat
> into it all that much.

> I agree with much of what Nick says, but I think
> we have to consider ways to help make digicash pay
> for its own implementation and enforcement, or it
> will not take hold.

Hmmm.  Couldn't digicash issuers simply charge up front
for their digicash notes, adding a percentage on top
like travellers checks?  Let the people who want the
convenience and anonymity of digital cash pay for it;
let the merchants redeem it for free.  Sound okay?


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