Sandy 72114.1712 at CompuServe.COM
Sat Nov 6 10:17:59 PST 1993

  SANDY SANDFORT               Reply to:  ssandfort at attmail.com
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


It's nice to see that Detweiler is back on his medications.
Let's hope he stays with the program.  I have no doubt he is
telling the truth when he says he and S.Boxx "are two unique
identities."  Yes Lance, but are they the same person?

I don't think any Cypherpunk will have any objections to his
voluntary name certification schemes.  On the other hand, most
Cypherpunks would probably consider it their *civic duty* to
attempt to discover the weaknesses in such protocols.  This is
called "destructive testing" in industry, and is a time honored

Lance, you will be a better writer, and will be taken much more
seriously if you, (a) tone down the purple prose, and (b) learn
some verbal economy.  You write far too much, and say far too
little.  Repetition is not a substitute for argumentation.

 S a n d y  (who is really just himself)  S a n d f o r t

>>>>>>    Please send e-mail to:  ssandfort at attmail.com    <<<<<<

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