PGP BUG/FEATURE: multi-platform keys

David Mandl dmandl at
Fri Nov 5 08:12:30 PST 1993

> As long as I'm at it, here are some more macPGP2.3 bugs, for those who care. Trying to decrypt a message signed by a key I don't have causes a serious crash requiring reboot. Trying to select cancel in a signature dialogue just raises the same dialogue box instead of cancelling. I'm running on a powerbook 145 under system 7.0.1.
> Eternal!Optimist at   (copyright 1993, Eternal Optimist [Ha Ha Ha])
>  0) 0) =:()]-<                                    <na26436 at>

It's been a while since I beta-tested MacPGP 2.3, but I think that...

The problem with quitting out of the pass phrase prompt was a "feature."
When you pressed CANCEL, the interface told the pgp engine that you had
typed in a bad pass phrase.  I guess this was an easy quick and dirty way
to handle it.  The problem was, when you typed in a bad pass phrase, you
were given two more chances to get it right.  Therefore, when you pressed
CANCEL, you were also prompted two more times.  So, you had to press CANCEL
three times to quit from that prompt.  This was fixed in 2.3a, a beta version
of which I've got.  I guess the official 2.3a has been released by now, but
I haven't checked.


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