
Sy Verpunc svp at gtoal.com
Sat May 1 05:02:56 PDT 1993

	From: Shaen Bernhardt <uni at acs.bu.edu>

	To me its plain that the intent is to regulate crypto.  Before then I plan
	(hope) that PGP finds its way into MANY hands.  That's the only real
	weapon I see.  Consider it a safety net to catch us if Tim's
	REALPOLITIK fails.  I hope it doesn't, Tim, I hope not but I'm going
	to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.  I intend to use
	strong crypto when I like.

And to think I got flame mail less than two months ago when I said on
alt.security.pgp that I was pissed off because someone put my key on a
public server... I bet there's a few other people wishing now they hadn't
put their keys in an 'arrest me' list...


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