Cypher: Subject naming proposal

Chael Hall nowhere at
Thu Mar 18 07:43:44 PST 1993

>Can I suggest that any messages posted to cypherpunks start with "Cypher:"
>in the subject line? The mail from this list is getting mixed in with all
>my other mail, cause my newsreader (elm) can't sort on "To:" fields.
>	Does anyone else have this problem? Does this idea seem reasonable?
>JIm C.

     I use the following .forward file to make slocal "sort" my mail based
upon the contents of the .maildelivery file below.

-- $HOME/.forward --
| /usr/lib/mh/slocal -user nowhere

     You should use something like the following .maildelivery file to
tell slocal where to put the messages.

-- $HOME/.maildelivery --
# field	"pattern" action "command"
To "cypherpunks at" file ? Mail/cypherpunks

     This will file messages directed to cypherpunks to a file in your
Elm mail directory, but leave all other messages untouched.  You have
to then choose the folder "=cypherpunks" to read those messages.

     NOTE:  You need to change the path of slocal to the appropriate
path for your system.  You can find it with the whereis -b command or
the find utility.  Am I forgetting anything?

Chael Hall

Chael Hall
nowhere at, 00CCHALL at BSUVC.BSU.EDU
(317) 285-3648 after 5 pm EST

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