ANON: anon policy of UB

Rusty Babani babani at cs.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Mar 3 18:15:47 PST 1993

Here is a copy of the policy that my system administrator was refering to:

From: gerland at (James R. Gerland)
Subject: UCS Computing Usage Policy.
Date: 16 May 90 19:56:27 GMT


                      Academic Computing Services
                     University Computing Services
                State University of New York at Buffalo

                             March 4, 1988

     The use of University at Buffalo academic computer systems by members 
of the university community is authorized by Academic Computing, University
Computing Services.  All classes of users (students, faculty, and staff
members) have equal privileges and equal access to the Computing
Center's facilities,  and all have the responsibility to use the Computing
Center's services in an effective, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.

     Every computer account issued by University at Buffalo is the 
responsibility of the person in whose name it is issued.  As a result, 
acquiring an account in another person's name, or using an account without 
the explicit permission of the owner and the full knowledge of Academic
Computing will be considered to be theft of services, and will be dealt
with according to the "Student Rules and Regulations" and/or Chapter 514
of the New York State Penal Law.

     It is mandatory that the owner of an account be careful to keep the
account secure by keeping the password secret, changing the password
often, and reporting to Academic Computing when anyone else is using
the account without permission.

Authorized Use

     As a condition for use of the Academic Computing systems, all users
are expected:

(1)  To respect the privacy of others.  For example, users shall not
     intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files
     or passwords belonging to others.

(2)  To respect the integrity of the University at Buffalo computing systems.
     For example, users shall not intentionally develop or use programs
     that harass other users, infiltrate a computing system, or damage or
     alter the software components of a computing system.

(3)  To not develop programs or use any mechanisms to alter or avoid
     accounting for the use of computing services or to employ means by
     which the facilities and systems are used anonymously or by means
     of an alias.  For example, users shall not send messages or mail, or
     print files which do not show the username of the user using the
     system or which exhibit a username other than that of the sender.

(4)  To respect the legal protection provided by copyright and licenses
     held by the Computing Center.  For example, users shall not make
     copies of a licensed computer program to avoid paying additional
     license fees.

(5)  To use the accounts only for University related purposes.  For
     example, users shall not authorize individuals who are not associated
     with the University to use an account nor use the academic
     computers for non-university related work, without prior
     arrangements with Academic Computing.

     Violation of these conditions, i.e., unauthorized use of another
person's account, tampering with other users' files or passwords, or
harassment of other users is certainly unethical and possibly a criminal
offense.  Whenever Academic Computing becomes aware of a possible
violation of these conditions, Academic Computing will initiate an
investigation.  In order to prevent further unauthorized activity, Academic
Computing may suspend the authorization of computing services to the
individual.  Confirmation of unauthorized use of the facilities may result
in the closing of accounts permanently, billing for computer time used for
non-university endeavors, disciplinary action, and/or legal action.

Responsible use

     Users are expected to use computing resources in a responsible and
efficient manner consistent with the instructional, research, and
administrative goals of the University.  Users are expected to refrain
from engaging in deliberately wasteful practices such as printing large
amounts of unnecessary listings, performing endless unnecessary
computations, or unnecessarily holding public terminals, tape drives, dial-
up phone lines for long periods of time when others are waiting for these
resources.  In addition, the playing of games or using networks for purely
recreational purposes when others are waiting for terminals represents
irresponsible use of the equipment.

     Academic Computing prefers not to act as a disciplinary agency or
to engage in policing activities.  However, in cases of unauthorized or
irresponsible behavior, Academic Computing does reserve the right to take
remedial action, commencing with an investigation of the possible abuse.
Users, when requested, are expected to cooperate in such investigations.

+==== Internet: babani at ===+======== Amateur-Radio: N2LYC ======+
!      Bitnet: V078LNGT at ubvms.BITNET     |        UUCP: rutgers!ub!babani     !
! Alternate: an173 at | Plsure dpnds on the othrs prmison. !
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