ideas on an encrypted BSD filesystem (LONG, technical)

Peter Shipley shipley at tfs.COM
Mon Mar 1 16:27:32 PST 1993

>I have been working on a few ideas I have to make a BSD system (like a
>386BSD system on a nice fast PC) into a secure base system for a BBS that
>is somewhat "raid-proof".  The basic plan is the encrypt the filesystem and
>use public key encryption to separate the system administrator from the
>information contained within the system and make it harder to do blanket
>searches of computer systems such as those I have seen happen in this area.
>Here is a basic outline of what I plan on doing, any comments would be

my office mate and I were talking along simular lines, but for DOS. we
were thinking of setting up disk/partition encryption software that works
like the product "stacker" or  "double disk". but instead of just compressing
we encrypt.    When the system boots it will ask for a password phrase, it
you do not provide on the disk will not me accessable  (it will just appear
to be a unformated partition).   

Thus when you are raided and they power down your system, they will loose
access to the date.

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