PGP speech coding on SoundBlaster

L. Detweiler ld231782 at
Wed Jun 30 00:31:48 PDT 1993

This person is very serious about developing a scrambler based on PGP
and Soundblaster, topics that get banged around here alot (``...with
great sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying nothing.'')  There
is room for suggestions on approaches or (more importantly) volunteers
in coding.  He does not subscribe to the list because of volume.

------- Forwarded Message

From: dorsey at (Bill Dorsey)
Subject: PGP Mailing List
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 02:12:54 -0700 (PDT)


Voice-PGP is a software package that will allow PC owners to have secure
communications over insecure phone lines.  It will require only that the
users possess a modem capable of 9600 baud or greater and own a SoundBlaster
compatible sound card.  Later versions may support other sound cards.

As the project stands now, I have developed a large number of speech coders
of varying complexity based on coders discussed in the literature from the
early 70's to the present.  Although the sound quality is generally poor
among the simple coders at these bit rates, they do allow computers not
blessed with fast CPUs to make use of the software.  The more complex
coders produce sound quality equal to or better than local two-way radio
communications and operate on contemporary (486 and fast 386-based) PCs.

In addition to the coders, I have developed a simple user-interface and
an expandable packet-based communications protocol.  What remains to be
done includes writing driver modules for the modem (I'll assume they are
Hayes compatible) and SoundBlaster card in addition to coding up a set of
functions to implement the communications protocol and hooks for encryption.
Finally, I'll need to integrate all of the above together and test it out.

Initial code development is being done on a Sun Sparcstation and a 486-based
PC running Linux.  As my DOS experience is severely limited, it is my hope
that someone will come forward and volunteer to port the software to DOS.
Since the code is being written with portability in mind, this should
require little more than re-writing the driver modules.

- --- END SUMMARY ---

I hope this isn't too long.  Feel free to edit/condense as you feel is

- --
Bill Dorsey      "Give me your tired, your poor, I'll piss on 'em
dorsey at   That's what the Statue of Bigotry says."
PGP 2.x public    	-- Lou Reed
key on request

------- End of Forwarded Message

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