End to End encryption for PC AND UNIX

Timothy Newsham newsham at wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu
Tue Jun 29 13:07:07 PDT 1993

> > > 
> > 
> > I wrote such a program, but no MSDOS port exists.  I have a Unix end
> > that runs a shell while doing encrpytion and decryption, and an
> > Amiga end that is built on top of a P.D. term program.
> > Someone volunteered to do a DOS port at one point but I havent
> > heard anything from them.  I'm thinking of putting in a little
> > time and putting together something simple just so something exists
> > and people can see how it was done (if they care to make something
> > with more bells and whistles).
> >   The code is on soda in one of the cypherpunks directories under
> > the name of link1.0.tar.Z, Ami-link1.0-src.lha and Ami-link1.0.lha
> I wnat to build a unix-unix version of this -- are the sources to both
> ends in the tar file? I don't have lha...
> .pm

Yes, the .tar.Z file should have everything you want.
Most of the work is already done for you.
The program comes as a server (link) but there is also
a test client (connect) that I wrote to test out the
protocol.  If you edit the makefile and include the
defines DEBUG and SOCKET link and connect will be
built to use a socket as I/O and will talk to
each other.  If you wish to use it over a serial
line you can take the connect client and modify
it to use a serial device instead of the socket.


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