chained remails

nobody at nobody at
Sat Jun 26 12:06:01 PDT 1993

* Reply to msg originally in CYPHERPUNKS

 Uu> The problem may be the Fidonet addressing.  Many times I have tried to
 Uu> send mail to people with mailing addresses like M's, and not had the
 Uu> mail get through.  I don't know what the rules are but perhaps some
 Uu> systems can get it and some can't.

Note that _this_ message goes through an RBBS/UUCP gate.  The problem
remains, however.  On the other hand, I just noted a sheepish message
about the remailer at being ill for the past couple of weeks,
which would explain my failures with that system.

 Uu> I'd suggest to M. that he take one of the systems that does respond to
 Uu> his remailing requests, and have that be the LAST one in a chain of
 Uu> two.  So, he could send to, say, hh at, and follow
 Uu> that with  elee7h5 at  Perhaps this would get through:

An interesting experiment I shall try today, perhaps with this very
message.  Thank's, Hal, for the input.  I should like to see these
remailers popularized, along with encryption, as one of the best
political moves we cypherpunks can make.  De-glitching them for broader
use may be a thankless task, but would be worth it if it results in
their general use.


P.S.:  Have you heard anything of the alleged bug with version 2.3 being
unable to verify plaintext PGP signatures?

* <m..stirner at> - PGP Key D30909 via servers *
* > What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not  <*
* > warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit <*
* > of resistance?  Let them take arms!" - Thomas Jefferson, 1787  <*
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
M. Stirner - via RBBS-NET node 8:914/201
INTERNET: M..Stirner at f28.n125.z1.RBBS-NET.ORG

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