correction on pgp 2.3 problem

Linda Boyd lnboyd at
Sat Jun 19 01:10:49 PDT 1993

Please forgive me!
        It seems that the signature generated by the pgp 
2.3 _IS_ good (according to 2.2), in any form.  It's just 
that pgp 2.3 will not read a signature that is appended 
to an ascii message and ascii armored.  If the signature 
is in a separate file, or if it isn't armored, it will 
read it fine.  Just not a message with the signature 
block attached to it...
        So the problem is in the reading of the pgp signature
block, not in the generation of the signature.  I'm not very 
adept at programming, but am trying to work my way through
it to see if I can find the problem.
        Sorry for the previous mistake.  Again, maybe 
this is just my machine...

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