RRe: Blasting Bidzos Blather

smb at research.att.com smb at research.att.com
Fri Jun 18 06:26:06 PDT 1993

> > PKP is not going to go away when a few of its patents expire.
> Right.  Contracts and licensing arrangements can last much longer
> than patents.

> That's why it's so important to see the exact details of this latest
> deal and find out why someone in the federal bureaucracy was greasing
> the procurement skids.

I repeat -- NIST had no choice, because PKP held all the patent cards.
Even if you don't believe PKP's claim to all of public-key cryptography,
both the Diffie-Hellman and Schnorr patents would most likely be infringed
by DSA.  You can argue with the specifics of the deal -- and with what
NIST gave away in order to get the Clipper exemption through -- but
they had to reach some settlement.

Btw -- the deal is *not* final; the announcement is just the start of
a 60-day comment period.

		--Steve Bellovin

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