REMAIL: X-Discard header line added

Nickey MacDonald i6t4 at
Tue Jun 15 09:10:48 PDT 1993

On Tue, 15 Jun 1993, Chael Hall wrote:

>      An idea I just had was to make the X-Discard have a counter.  If
> the number is greater than zero, decrement it and forward the message
> to another known remailer.  If it is less than one or non-numeric,
> discard the message.  Right now, it just discards whatever message
> has that header.

Seems like a very good idea, at least for the short term, to generate
traffic.  Just make sure that you do not accept a value for X-Discard that
is too large, or else you'll find the same message floating around
(Internet Worm sytle) when you *don't* need any extra traffic!  If you
wanted to really have fun, you could also add X-Discarded-By to keep a
list of all sites the message has visitied, and make sure the same message
doesn't cycle through the same site too many times.

Nick MacDonald               | NMD on IRC
i6t4 at  | PGP 2.1 Public key available via finger
i6t4 at                  | (506) 457-1931    ^{1024/746EBB 1993/02/23}

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