REMAIL/ANON/PGP: System becoming available

Chael Hall nowhere at
Mon Jun 14 07:29:43 PDT 1993


     I realize that I have been completely quiet on the list for a few
months...  Sorry about that, but I have been away from the University.
Right now I am working in Indianapolis and telnetting from IUPUI up to
BSU.  Anyway, to the heart of the matter...  I have gotten permission
from one of the "good guys" at BSU to put my 486dx/33 with 386BSD in
his office (secure) and get it on the Ethernet.

     I will probably run my anonymous remailer on there (the current
one will stay in business) where it is safer.  In addition, I want to
run a pseudonymous service like  I have written some
software in C that does it, but does not quite support PGP yet (it's
not as easy as I would like to have believed before starting the
project).  It will give you an ID and will restrict mail from and to
certain addresses/sites.  It also puts a standard header into the message
and has features to add header lines and footers to the messages

     The system will sit idle (aside from mail) most of the time, so
I have no problem using PGP and being an encryption drop-point.  I am
about to start a rewrite of my remailer pretty soon because it needs
some help.  Anyway, I will send you all the IP address and host name
of my computer when it's online.  This could get exciting...  I have
a guest account on there where you can request an account, but I
can't afford to give out too many accounts.  Of course, I would much
rather cypherpunks have accounts than a bunch of sniveling netbrats.

     Anyway, gotta run.  Incidentally, I have about 3 MB of backed up
mail here.  It's only since the second week of May!

Chael Hall

Chael Hall
nowhere at, 00CCHALL at BSUVC.BSU.EDU, chall at
chall at, nowhere at [not online yet]
(317) 776-4000 from 8 am - 5 pm CST

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