No Subject

morpheus morpheus at
Sat Jun 12 06:59:48 PDT 1993

From: morpheus at (morpheus)
Subject: Re: Encrypting the list
References: <9306091955.AA09779 at>
Organization: Ranch Apocalypse
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1993 22:31:42 GMT
Message-ID: <1993Jun11.223142.28987 at>

In article <9306091955.AA09779 at> src4src!imageek!!jet (J. Eric Townsend) writes:
>FutureNerd Steve Witham writes:
> > We're all prime suspects for being spies.
>'specially those of us with both .gov and .com email addresses, right?

And worry all the more about ORGanized spies..

Worrying about spies is pointless.  Publicity is good.  There isn't any
point in cutting people "out of the loop" in effort to stop "spies",
what is being discussed needs to be known to as many people as possible.

We're talking cryptography, not revolution.  
morpheus at			Vote anarchist.
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