AT&T Encrypting Phone Ad in WS Journal

John Gilmore gnu
Tue Jun 8 18:37:36 PDT 1993

> The Wall Street Journal, 7 June 93, page B7, has an AT&T ad for an
> encrypting communications box called "Surity Telephone Device".
> It plugs between a regular phone and the phone jack.
> Anybody know what's inside?  Is this new?  

The box pictured is the Clipper-based successor to the AT&T 3600
secure phone.  They have a "bump in the cord" architecture; in the
case of the 3600, it plugged between the handset and the phone.  This
is a pain in the ass (there are six or seven "handset modules" that
plug into the unit, and you have to use one to match your phone -- or
get several and pray that one will match each phone you ever want
to use.)

We played with one of the 3600's at a Bay Area cypherpunks meeting
a few months ago.

I'd refer to the "Surity" as the "surly telephone device".


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