Software infrastructure

digital saint Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Alabama-Huntsville mmidboe at
Sat Jun 5 21:11:25 PDT 1993

CY>Buzzword alert.  What is "TPU"?  And who makes "Async Pro", and what
CY>exactly does that do?

        Well, in the PC world, a TPU is just a Turbo Pascal Unit. It's become
kind of a standard for making easy add-ons to programs since a lot of
programmers use Turbo Pascal. Async Pro is written by Turbo Power software.
Anyways, does anyone have any basic ideas on what functions would be really
important for some kind of programmers toolkit? To narrow things down you might
want to make a PGP toolkit that manipulates PGP keys and makes using PGP
easier from other programs. So, does anyone have feedback on some good general
PGP encrypted file manipulation functions? Once you make them easy to integrate
into other programs I'm sure more and more people will pick it up. Reading
through the vast amounts of C code on PGP is quite a daunting task.


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