Clipper on CNN HN

Mike McNally m5 at
Thu Jun 3 15:59:13 PDT 1993

> The current CNN Headline News has a spot on the Clipper ...
> I think that the spot was definitely leaning toward exposing the
> objections ...

I hope they've got a new clip.  The one I saw about 2 weeks ago 
was lead into with the statement that "some fear the new scheme 
might compromise the privacy rights of criminals."  Duhhh.   The
first sound bite was an FBI dude saying that he didn't think that
"child molesters, drug lords, bombers, snipers, terrorists, and
kidnappers" have any right to privacy.

It went downhill from there, ending with a weak 5 second statement 
from somebody at CPSR (weak, no doubt, because of editing, not
lack of CPSR concern).

Mike McNally

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