a few good weasels

Edgar W. Swank edgar at spectrx.Saigon.COM
Wed Jan 27 03:42:17 PST 1993

Dave del Torto said here:

    A world of absolutes is not a fun world and it's not a safe world.
    Someone's gotta break the rules every once in a while or we all go
    down the tubes.  Of course, I _personally_ would _never_ break any
    of the fine laws of our beloved nation, but I know deep in my
    heart (but not anywhere on my hard disks) that such brave people
    exist and that the effect of their less-than-legal efforts is the
    delicate equilibrium in which we continue to prosper and innovate.

I agree completely.  So would Ollie North, who is a fine example of
"such brave people".

edgar at spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank)
SPECTROX SYSTEMS +1.408.252.1005  Silicon Valley, Ca

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