need for more anon remailer sites

John Gilmore gnu
Fri Jan 15 09:15:32 PST 1993

I suggest using a dictionary to come up with "names" of anonymous users:


You could pick them in random order, or sequentially.

> Suppose the ante goes up and all this stuff becomes actively illegal. What
> then? If a large network is *already* in place, the risk is much lower than
> trying to do something after the fact. And it would be a more mature network

This technology is sufficiently cheap to replicate that it doesn't
matter whether we set up a "covert" network before or after it becomes
illegal (if ever).  What matters is that we have experience at running
such a network.  Such experience is much easier to come by in the open --
since you can talk about it!

While I applaud the efforts of some people to set up contingencies for
"after we lose our liberties and need to actively oppose the
government", please don't forget to actively oppose poor government
policies *now*, before the loss of that liberty.  In other words,
there's plenty of work to be done today to *keep* this an open society.
And it's much easier to keep one than to get one back.

	John Gilmore

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