A solution remailer signature suppression

Johan Helsingius julf at penet.FI
Mon Jan 4 07:39:52 PST 1993

Richard Childers writes:

> It is the user's job to hide his or her identity, but it should not
> be the programmer's responsibility to anticipate the user's failure
> to think at all. Someone who uses these tools without understanding
> the principles upon which they are founded - such as people whom
> accept keys from individuals whom are only electronically known -
> will quickly founder upon their own, um, state of stupor, and one
> should not undertake to protect them from this, as what you are pro-
> -tecting them from, in reality, is the opportunity to learn from
> their mistakes.

Well, in principle I agree. And if I would start from a clean slate, I
would *gladly* leave out the sig stripper. But people in groups such as
alt.sexual.abuse.recovery have come to rely on the behaviour of previous
servers, and are *not* very computer- or e-mail-literate.

	Julf (admin at anon.penet.fi)

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