RE>Congratulations to All!

Michael Brennan mbrennan at
Tue Feb 23 15:03:28 PST 1993

Reply to Message-Id: <9302232131.AA17884 at> from
tcmay at (Timothy C. May)

> It seems we are getting lots of newcomers to the list (though I keep
> seeing cancellations posted to the general list, too!). It might be nice to
> hear from them about their reactions. 

Actually, I may (regretfully) be sending in my cancellation as well. This
group is fascinating, but I find most of the discussion goes right over my
head. Also, the mail generated is just too voluminous. I log into my netcom
account by modem (and use Eudora to retrieve my mail). Yesterday I had
about 40 messages from this list, today I had over 70! Whew!!! That's a lot
of mail to retrieve by modem.

What I'd really like to see is a digest form of this list. Also, for
newcomers like myself a FAQ would be of tremendous benefit.

> The recent interest by "Mondo 2000," "Wired," and "The Village Voice" in
> Cypherpunks activity and in digital privacy in general suggests we are
> doing something quite important and interesting.

I'd say you're quite right about that. Keep up the great work!

Michael Brennan
Internet:   mbrennan at 
Applelink:  M.BRENNAN  
Compuserve: 76206,2462

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