John Nieder John.Nieder at f33.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
Sat Feb 20 23:58:41 PST 1993

from:  john.nieder at

 * Reply to msg originally in Cypherpunks
 > [t.c. May]
 > >I say, let's expand the scope of the Cypherpunks list to include more
 > >discussion of viruses.

 > I say, unless it has to do with cryptography, please don't.

 BK> I too wish to keep cipherpunks
 BK> clean even though I love viruses and I wish to have a pure thread about
 BK> applied crypto and anonymity techniques...

Roughly my sentiments as well.  Virii are interesting, but so are
handguns & the Swedish Bikini Team; none belong in CYPHERPUNKS, however,
in Mr. Nieder's opinion (which may or may not be humble).

... "A dog in a sidecar is always a treat for other motorists." M. Stirner
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