Timed-Release Crypto

deltorto at aol.com deltorto at aol.com
Wed Feb 17 11:10:02 PST 1993

Tim May contributed a fascinating bit of thinking on timed-release messages,
including this:

>>"Aha!," I hear you exclaim, "Tim's scheme depends solely on the trust of
>>these escrow agents, and that's no different from depositing a sealed
>>envelope with your friendly lawyer and asking him to promise not to peek."

Well, yes, Tim, but what about the MTBF rating fo disk drives and or other
storage media? Any such message would also be relying on the turst that the
disk it's stored on, the mail system and or the organization it was sent to
for storgae are still going to be around. Now, if there were dedicated places
where such t-r crypto msgs could be stored, such as a digital "bank" (where
they would no doubt charge a storage fee, possibly necessitating that each
such msg would be able to "peel off" digicredits from itself every year to
guarantee paying for it's own upkeep in case you were no longer aropund to
sign checks), the question of whether or not it would BE there in 30 years
might be moot, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.

Still, I find your idea very compelling and full of merit.


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