Sandy 72114.1712 at CompuServe.COM
Sun Aug 29 16:54:05 PDT 1993

  SANDY SANDFORT               Reply to:  ssandfort at attmail.com
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Peter Wayner quoted from an article by Jody Duncan on page 95 of
the magazine "Cinefex":

    . . . Speilberg was shooting in Europe throughout most
    of the postproduction phase, but continued to keep his
    hand in Jurassic Park through an encrypted satellite
    feed from ILM (Industrial Lights and Magic).

Maybe these folks need some stronger crypto.  I got a call from a
Cypherpunk on assignment in France.  He said that he had been
involved in an unauthorized capture and decryption some of those
very same digital dinosaurs.  He said they were "pretty cool."  I
got the impression the cracking wasn't very difficult.  Maybe
Speilberg and ILM need some expert help.  Another Cypherpunk
business opportunity?

 S a n d y

 "When crypto becomes extinct, only dinosaurs will have crypto"

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