crypto in HK

Brad Huntting Brad.Huntting at HK.Super.NET
Tue Aug 3 02:39:38 PDT 1993

Greetings from Hong Kong.

I've spent the last couple weeks helping setup Hong Kong SuperNet, the
first dialup Internet provider in China.

Sudenly last week, it dawned on me!  I'm not in Kansas anymore!  I dont
have to worry about ludicrous RSA patents, or antiquated export laws!
In fact there's not much respect for any intelectual property laws
here, but that's another matter....

So, I have two question's:

First, where (outside of the US) can I ftp (or mirror) the latest
version of PGP?

Second, does anyone know where I can find the RSA extensions for ISODE
(often called the osisec package).  There's an ftp site in the UK, but
the files are all des'ed, and the person with the key is ignoring my
e-mail messages.


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