HELP! Some nut is threatening to sue!

DrZaphod ncselxsi!drzaphod at
Thu Apr 29 08:11:46 PDT 1993

In Message Wed, 28 Apr 93 21:31:10 MDT,
  Stanton McCandlish <!anton at> writes:

>Due to my posts to sci.crypt and elsewhere that I was distributing PGP,
>I recieved the following

>From: jim at RSA.COM (Jim Bidzos)
>To: anton at
>Subject: pgp
>I don't think you're aware of our position on pgp. Unfortunately, you
>may leave us no choice but to take legal action, which we will unless
>you cease promotion adn distribution of pgp. The next message will
>state our position.

     For a guy who claims to want to help us Cypherpunks in the way of
personal encryption, scare tactics seem a little out of place.  I'm sure
we'd all like to use legal encryption methods [maybe]... but we ARE
Cypherpunks.. giving us the responsibility to use what's best and defend our
rights for privacy.  Using a package that hasn't been updated in 5 years
[MailSafe], we have diminished to politically correct yippies.  I;m not sure
quite what to do.. but I saw Jim Bidzos on a magazine once.. and he looks
like a fed.
By playing the game we are becoming part of it.  TTFN.
- DrZaphod                #Don't Come Any Closer Or I'll Encrypt!   -
- [AC/DC] / [DnA][HP]     #Xcitement thru Technology and Creativity -
- [drzaphod at ncselxsi.uucp]#     [MindPolice Censored This Bit]      -

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