MEET: Boston Area Cypherpunks

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 22 22:35:54 PDT 1993


In lieu of the recent happenings in the cryptography field, and the
Bay Area Cypherpunks meeting, I would like to call to order, an ad-hoc
Boston Area Cypherpunks meeting.  This meeting is to talk about the
Wiretap Chip proposal, and to try to coordinate a counter-attack to
the proposal.

I hope to have an audio link to the west-coasters, encrypted (of
course), so we can discuss these issues together.

Place: MIT, Room 1-115, Cambridge.
When: 3:00 pm - 9ish

Please attend if you have any interest in this topic...


To get to MIT, room 1-115:

via car: have fun!  Building 1 is located right on Mass Ave., close
to Memorial Drive.  You can try to park anywhere around the area, if
you can find a spot.

via T: get off at kendall sq. (red line), and walk west... cross Ames
St., and keep walking west.  Enter the infinite corridor when you
cannot walk outside any further, and keep walking west.

Once you get into Lobby 7 (a big cathedral-like entryway at 77 Mass.
Ave) there will be signs directing you to 1-115.

See you there.

If you need any more assistance, please feel free to send me e-mail,
or call me at 868-4469...


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