JOBS: Cypherpunks employing Cypherpunks

The Phantom phantom at
Wed Apr 21 15:29:58 PDT 1993


If anyone wants it, I can send you the text to the letter I just sent
President Clinton and the local papers. I think it is a decent,
fairly non-technical letter that might point out some of the parallels
between this crypto chip and invasion of privacy to the common person.

In my local area, I have now been responsible for 'educating' over 30
people to my interpretation of the meaning of this chip offering. I think
it is important that the public knows a little about what is going on so
that they can make a conscious decision about the usefulness of it.

I don't however, wish to waste list bandwidth with the text of it, as I
don't personally think it is a masterpeice. :)

Cypherpunks employing Cypherpunks:

On another note, I hate it when people use the list for purely personal
reasons, but I really need a summer job / internship. If you own your
own business [ :) ] or know of a _possible_ opening in a company you work
for, please, please contact me and run it by me. I am an Electrical
Engineering student at the University of Washington (I hold a 3.2 in my EE
classes) and have very few qualms about relocating over the summer (it
might even be nice if it were in the bay area, as then I could make it to
a Cypherpunk meeting!)

It'd be really nice to finally meet some of the people I've been talking
to for all of these months.

Any leads or ideas would be appreciated. 

Matt Thomlinson
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
Internet: phantom at      	    phone: (206) 528-5732
PGP 2.2  key available via email or finger phantom at

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