Petition to Clinton, digisigned

Sameer zane at
Tue Apr 20 17:28:52 PDT 1993

	I noticed someone post about writing up a petition and emailing it
to Pres. Clinton, signing it with digital signatures, but that was in a
joking manner. To me it seems like a good idea. What do others think?
	(I'm not too PGP-experienced-- The petition would be circulated and
people would create "signature certificates" and forward those to the
person sending the petition-- once all the signatures are collected then
the petition and all the certificates would be sent together? I'd
imagine that the signatures certs could be sent in a different package
than the petition, but I don't think Clinton's aides would be able to
recognize that all the certificates belong with the petition.)

| Sameer Parekh-zane at genesis.MCS.COM-PFA related mail to pfa at genesis.MCS.COM |
| Apprentice Philosopher, Writer, Physicist, Healer, Programmer, Lover, more |
| "Be God" - Me __ "Specialization is for Insects" - Robert A. Heinlein ____/
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