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Mon Apr 19 18:17:10 PDT 1993

I vote for cryptoprivacy because it is more appropriate, and due to
recent events, it helps to be clear about these things when the media
gets involved.


1.  The infamous CBS coverage of the Hacker's Conference that turned
  "Cracker" Conference in the nightly news regardless of what the 
  reporters were told.

2. Notice how the NIST press release said ``This system is more secure
than many other voice encryption systems readily available today.
[^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not claiming the best]
While the algorithm will remain classified to protect the security of
the key escrow.'' 

but the Knight-Ridder translated this into:

``...National Security Agency invented a new coding device, called the
"Clipper Chip," which is said to be much harder to crack than encoding
systems now on the market.

Now the wiretap chip sounds better than any equipment on the market
rather than "better than many" which is a very weak claim. 

Happens all the time.  Information must be very clear.  Punk isn't
the right word.

Paul E. Baclace
peb at

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